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Available Options

Account Terms

Account Terms

Product Code: swt-003

36.00 € *

Display during checkout and registration process infinite terms customer has to agree (or optional).

*    Enable / Disable per store (= multistore)
*    Infinite texts (via information texts)
*    Custom titles per section
*    Custom intro text
*    Display terms in customer account [optional]
*    Display title per section [optional]
*    Adjustable position of confirmation fields
*    Adjustable max. height of texts
*    All customer decisions are stored and visible for the admin (and customer if defined)

Account Terms
Display during checkout and registration process infinite terms customer has to agree (or optional)...
36.00 € *

Available Options

Add Logo to Invoice

Add Logo to Invoice

Product Code: swpr-003

0.00 € *

Add logo to invoice, delete unwanted # in template (not required for other languages than English).
Adjust also tables and textcolor.

Add Logo to Invoice
Add logo to invoice, delete unwanted # in template (not required for other languages than English).A..
0.00 € *

Available Options

Admin Box cancelled orders

Admin Box cancelled orders

Product Code: swpr-018

18.00 € *

Display a box in dashboard view (admin) how many missing orders are exist.
Missing orders are orders when visitors did not finish successfully the checkout process.
The box will be not displayed if no 'missing orders' exist.

Admin Box cancelled orders
Display a box in dashboard view (admin) how many missing orders are exist.Missing orders are orders ..
18.00 € *

Available Options

Admin Clock

Admin Clock

Product Code: swpr-011

12.00 € *

Add time and date to the admin header (backend).

Time and date are automatically updated.

Admin Clock
Add time and date to the admin header (backend). Time and date are automatically updated...
12.00 € *

Available Options

Admin Dashboard Map

Admin Dashboard Map

Product Code: swpr-005

18.00 € * 24.00 € *

Replace standard single map with several selectable.
Inclusive German localized maps (loaded only when German is standard language).
In each map sales data per country / district is displayed.

Admin Dashboard Map
Replace standard single map with several selectable.Inclusive German localized maps (loaded only whe..
18.00 € * 24.00 € *

Available Options

Admin Dashboard Map 23

Admin Dashboard Map 23

Product Code: swpr-005-23

24.00 € *

Replace standard single map with several selectable.
Inclusive German localized maps (loaded only when German is standard language).
In each map sales data per country / district is displayed.

Admin Dashboard Map 23
Replace standard single map with several selectable.Inclusive German localized maps (loaded only whe..
24.00 € *

Available Options

Admin Email at Backend Login

Admin Email at Backend Login

Product Code: swsec-001

12.00 € *

Send email to shopadmin when a user login in the backend.

Admin Email at Backend Login
Send email to shopadmin when a user login in the backend...
12.00 € *

Available Options

Admin enhanced product search

Admin enhanced product search

Product Code: swpr-016

8.40 € *

Add advanced search to product list and product form in backend view.
Upper and lower letters can be used.
Search is done in: titel, text, tags, date, price and quantity.

Increase results also to max. 20 (standard = 5)

Search can be done in several ways:
1. as usual             > admin               = will search for all items containing admin
2. starting point    > admin|20        = will search for all items containing admin, start with 20. record
3. 2. & limit            > admin|20,5     = as 2. but return only 5 results

Admin enhanced product search
Add advanced search to product list and product form in backend view.Upper and lower letters can be ..
8.40 € *

Available Options

Admin Expand Textfields

Admin Expand Textfields

Product Code: swpr-012

0.00 € *

Expand the textfields in backend (e.g. Tool > Backup)

Admin Expand Textfields
Expand the textfields in backend (e.g. Tool > Backup)..
0.00 € *

Available Options

Admin Glob-Replace

Admin Glob-Replace

Product Code: swpr-008

0.00 € *

Replace all instances of glob_brace with a compatible function.
Required for webhosts not supporting glob_brace (e.g. solaris based servers like strato.de)

Admin Glob-Replace
Replace all instances of glob_brace with a compatible function.Required for webhosts not supporting ..
0.00 € *

Available Options

Admin Hide Dashboard

Admin Hide Dashboard

Product Code: swpr-013

0.00 € *

Hide the dashboard if user has no access

Admin Hide Dashboard
Hide the dashboard if user has no access..
0.00 € *

Available Options

Admin Increased Activity and Orders

Admin Increased Activity and Orders

Brand: OSWorX

Product Code: swpr-006

0.00 € *

Increase activities and orders in backend view (Dashboard) to 15 (standard 5)

Admin Increased Activity and Orders
Increase activities and orders in backend view (Dashboard) to 15 (standard 5)..
0.00 € *

Available Options

Admin Orderlanguage for Invoice & Delivery Note

Admin Orderlanguage for Invoice & Delivery Note

Product Code: swpr-010

12.00 € *

Per default the OpenCart backend use the language the current user is logged in.
This extension ause the language the customer has used for the order.

Admin Orderlanguage for Invoice & Delivery Note
Per default the OpenCart backend use the language the current user is logged in.This extension ause ..
12.00 € *

Available Options

Admin Sanitize Images & Folders

Admin Sanitize Images & Folders

Product Code: swpr-009

18.00 € *

Sanitize image folders and image names.
It happens very often that new folders are created with spaces, special chars, etc.
Also that images are incorrect stored (with spaces, special chars, umlauts, etc.)
This tiny module will correct these errors automatically.

Admin Sanitize Images & Folders
Sanitize image folders and image names.It happens very often that new folders are created with space..
18.00 € *

Available Options

Admin Secure Login

Admin Secure Login

Product Code: swsec-002

48.00 € *

Add additional security layer to the backend (admin) login - a login without is not possible anymore (more after purchase of the extension).

No renaming of admin folders or other interventions (manual) are required.

Easy to install (OCMod) and easy to configure via the backend.

*    Enable / Disable Module
*    Optional Storage of logins
*   Optional send email of logins to self defined addresses
*    Custom Key
*    Custom Password
*    View all stored logins

Admin Secure Login
Add additional security layer to the backend (admin) login - a login without is not possible anymore..
48.00 € *
Showing 1 to 15 of 34 (3 Pages)

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