OpenCart 2.3.x
Extensions, modules, tools and templates for OpenCart version 2.3.x
You want to adjust your product prices, but displayed price (Gross) should be the same?
For a webshop with just a few products and shipping methods, this may be an easy task. But what if you have several hundred or thousand. And what about the time, all prices should be adjusted at midnight.
And this is what this extension is for: automatic this task. Simply define the tax(es), the time .. and the prices be adjusted automatically.All net prices will be adjusted, but gross prices will stay the same.
Admin enhanced product search
Product Code: swpr-016
Add advanced search to product list and product form in backend view.
Upper and lower letters can be used.
Search is done in: titel, text, tags, date, price and quantity.
Increase results also to max. 20 (standard = 5)
Search can be done in several ways:
1. as usual > admin = will search for all items containing admin
2. starting point > admin|20 = will search for all items containing admin, start with 20. record
3. 2. & limit > admin|20,5 = as 2. but return only 5 results
Increase activities and orders in backend view (Dashboard) to 15 (standard 5)
With the default installation of OpenCart, the sales report purchased products is very limited.
This extension replace this standard report with several options, like::
- Filter after date (from - until)
- Filter after status
- Filter after product
- Sort A-Z or Z-A
- Amount of displayed elements
Further extended figures per product
- Price (current, mininum, maximum)
- Net Price
- Average Sales Price Net
- Taxes
- Total Gross
can be displayed.
Additionally the report can be exported as CSV.
Admin Secure Login
Product Code: swsec-002
Add additional security layer to the backend (admin) login - a login without is not possible anymore (more after purchase of the extension).
No renaming of admin folders or other interventions (manual) are required.
Easy to install (OCMod) and easy to configure via the backend.
* Enable / Disable Module
* Optional Storage of logins
* Optional send email of logins to self defined addresses
* Custom Key
* Custom Password
* View all stored logins
Admin Summernote Editor Advanced
Product Code: swpr-019
Replace the standard Summernote Editor with an advanced version.
* Full multilingual
* Automatic check for valid filenames and folders
* Advanced filelinks (add PDF and / or Texts as links to articles)
* Advanced links to products, categories and information text
* Upload PDF files
* Correct sanitization of folder- and filenames
* Codemirror for source code view
* Use selected text as linktext (if selected)
* Define links optionally with
- open in new window (target _blank)
- open in modal view (only text links)
- display as icon (text and file links)
- display as icon or thumbnail (product and category links)
- when displayed as icon or thmubnail, define image size (16 - 128px)
* Use config values for allowed extensions and mime types
* Case insensitive search for items (also parts)
Extension change the displayed date into datetime (backend only).
Useful for example if you want to know the exact datetime stamp an order was made.
Generates automatically invoice, invoicenumber and PDF.
PDF can be send automatically per email to customer and additional addresses.
- Send invoice (PDF) per email to customer [optional
- Send invoice (PDF) per email to additional addresses (e.g. bookkeeping department)
- Select which order state shall trigger the invoice generation
- Select which customergroup(s) shall trigger the invoice generation
- Define infinite templates and select which to use
- Customizeable templates: CSS, header, body, footer
- Define per active language email templates
- Several placeholders (template and invoice) for dynamic content
- Include custom fields for company name and TAX-No
- Define invoice language (can override customers language during checkout)
- Define formats per store for customer number and invoice number - even for guests [optional]
- Define format for invoice address
- Several PDF settings to define: Size, Orientation, Fonttype, Fontsize, Fontcolor, Backgroundcolor
- CSS format can be defined global and/or inline
- PDF are stored in database and can be loaded at any time from several places
- Stored PDF can be send again to customer and/or other addresses
- Search in all stored invoices after custom terms
- Log extensions states [optional]
- Enable/disable for customes to load PDF and send per email (if logged in)
- Add entry to activity log (if enabled)
- Every .ttf and .otf font can be used
Call of extension from external programs via API possible
Product Code: swt-004
Display banner advertisements on defined pages - even multiple.
* Define limit (how many times the ad shall be displayed) [optional]
* Define timeframe to display ad between [optional]
* Select client
* Define link to click on (internal or external)
* Defineable title (= alt/title tag)
* Clicks and displays stored (visible in the module itself)
Sometimes you need to know, which of the browertabs contain which OpenCart store - especially when you operate more than one shop. Per default, OpenCart provide only the current metatitle.
As administrator the current page, in the shop the metaname of the catgeory, product and text.
With this small extension you are able to define your own, custom browsertitles.
Options are (e.g.):
- Text for Shop [optional]
- Text for Administration [optional]
- Texts in all active languages
- Different text per store
- Optional before or after the default title
Cash On Delivery (COD)
Product Code: swp-006-23
Cash on Delivery (COD) is a payment module and enables the shopowner to offer the payment by cash (e.g. for customer who wants to pay at the physical store directly or at the delivery).
* Full language support
* Defineable text per active language
* Selectable customer group(s)
* Defineable minimum amount to become this payment method be valid
* Languages English and German included