OpenCart 1.5.x
Product Code: swp-004
Cash is a payment module and enables the shopowner to offer the payment by cash (e.g. for customer who wants to pay at the physical store directly).
* Full language support
* Defineable text per active language
* Selectable customer group(s)
* Defineable minimum amount to become valid (see fallback)
* HTML.tags in text (e.g. image) are allowed (will be displayed only, but not stored)
* Languages English and German included
Custom Payments
Product Code: swp-002
CustomPayment is a payment module for shops based on OpenCart.
It enables the shopowner to define their own unlimited payment types (e.g. bank transfer incl. SEPA, check, etc.).
Note: not applicable if a payment gateway has to be used (e.g. PayPal, Skrill, sofort etc).
* Multi store
* Multi customer groups
* All installed and active languages are supported
* Defineable seperate title and text per active language
* HTML editor for text field
* Set per shipping method (or all)
* Set per geozone (or all)
* Minimum amount (based on net subtotal)
* Ordering
* Autoupdater
Custom Shipping
Product Code: sws-001
Custom Shipping is mighty module to offer individual shipping methods based on several, custom rules.
While the standard shipping modules are almost not very user friendly - no or less configuration, no custom and defineable titles and texts, defining costs is only basic and limited to one (1) value only.
Here comes Custom Shipping - with it you are the only limit.
Use it to define every and each cost - for every possible shipping method like:
Post, DHL, UPS, Flight, Express and so on.
- Full language support
- Defineable for all (already) defined geozones
- Defineable title per active language [optional]
- Defineable text per active language [optional]
- Defineable infotext per active language [optional]
- Minimum value
- Assign to one/many/all customer groups
- Assign to one/many/all stores (multistore)
- Infinite shipping methods
- Unlimited rates
- Different methods for calculation: subtotal, weight, article count, volume
- Incremental or Decremental calculation
- Exclude ZIP codes
- Valid ONLY for ZIP codes
- Exclude IP-Addresses
German 1.5.x
Product Code: swtr-002
Complete German Translation for admin (Backend) and user (Frontend / shop)
To install this language package, extract the zipped package locally and transfer the files (same structure as you can see) with FTP to your server (current shop installation).
After that, open your OpenCart backend and follow these steps:
1. navigate to System -> Localisation -> Languages
2. Click the Edit button
3. Fill in the following values:
3.1 Language Deutsch (German)
3.2 Code de
3.3 Locale de_DE.UTF-8,de_DE,de-de,german
3.4 Image de.png
3.5 Directory de_DE
3.6 Filename de_DE
3.7 Status Enabled
3.8 Sort Order 1
4. Navigate to System -> Settings
5. Click on the tab Locale and define your standard languages for front- and backend (backend language will not change BEFORE this step!)
6. Save
7. Ready
Google Adwords
Product Code: swt-009
Google Adwords is a small extension which add required code to your shop template to track conversations.
Simple installation with the embbeded installer (OpenCart 2.x) or manual as VQMod (OpenCart 1.5.x)
* Dynamic or static data for submission
* Sale figure with or without delivery cost
* 2 Types of code possible (sale and register)
* Basic statistic inside extension, enhanced in the Google Adwords Account
Module development 1.5.x
Product Code: serv-3001
Custom development of an extension for OpenCart version 1.5.x
E.g. connection to a payment gateway, delivery service, warehouse, stock keeping.
Price includes all preliminaries (e.g. check of an existing API, feasibility, etc.), the final price will be announced after clarification of all details.
Acc. the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) are websites (and therefore also webshops) responsible to submit personal data as less as possible.
In the case of calling Google Fonts directly from servers of Google (location is then in the USA), a violation against the GDPR (Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a) is given.
Because the EC (European Community) has still no valid data protection regulation with the Unites States - and by sending the users personal IP-Address to them (which is done automatically each time a font is called) the violation is fact..
And because based on this fact, such so called "Dataprotection Laywers" (I call them gangsters) are suing the website owners (Germany) or send them a "cease and desist" (Austria).
Here the decision of the German Court in Munich from the 20. January 2022 (Az.: 3 O 17493/20)This service is offered as "personal service".
Reason for doing such is, each webshop is build in a different way, and we want to be sure that our work is done 100% correct.
The working steps in detail:
- Scan of the whole webshop
- Embedd the former fonts as locale
- Serveral test after successful work
After the work is done, we will guarantee that the fonts are called correct. This guarantee is valid as long as no further modifications are done after our work.
The guarantee is not valid anymore the moment addionational modules are installed and as a possibel scenario again external fonts are called. In such cases an additional service for a special sprice can be booked.
Payment Charge
Product Code: swc-001
Payment Charge let you define your own, infinite payment fees for all enabled payment types.
Note: if your shop and the customer is inside the European Community, you shall not charge payment costs! Use this module only if your business and your customers are outside the EC.
* Net / gross mode
* Defineable text (for each active language) - also with HTML
* Display tax at frontend w. or w.o. tax
* Customergroups
* Multistore
* Calculation optional after amount or percent
* Calculate fee after subtotal (less, equal, more)
Note: you have to offer at least 1 payment method for free!
Shopupdate 1.5.x Basic
Product Code: serv-2001
Update of OpenCart Webshop version from 1.5.x to 2.3.x or 3.x excl. custom extensions, excl. template.
Either the database tables are submitted or access to the database has to be granted (preferred).
After you have made the order, we will contact you - either per emial or telphone within 24 hours.
Shopupdate 1.5.x Complete
Product Code: serv-2003
Update of OpenCart Webshop version 1.5.x to 2.3.x or 3.x
Inclusive max. 5 custom extensions
Inclusive custom template (either provide yourself or we buy it for you)
Either the databasetables are submitted or access to the database has to be granted (preferred).
After the order is made, we will contact you either per email or telephone to discuss the details.
Product Code: swp-003
Add Sofortüberweisung (Klarna) as payment option in your OpenCart shop.
Extension requires valid contract with (Klarna) - if not already exist, can be initiated through the module.
* Create automatically new projects
* Multistore
* Multilinguale
* Dedicated testmode
* Enhanced internal reports
* Support of all by offered currencies
* Texts defineable per active language
* Inclusive German and English language files
For MijoShop please read manual or enclosed readme