Acc. the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) are websites (and therefore also webshops) responsible to submit personal data as less as possible.
In the case of calling Google Fonts directly from servers of Google (location is then in the USA), a violation against the GDPR (Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a) is given.
Because the EC (European Community) has still no valid data protection regulation with the Unites States - and by sending the users personal IP-Address to them (which is done automatically each time a font is called) the violation is fact..
And because based on this fact, such so called "Dataprotection Laywers" (I call them gangsters) are suing the website owners (Germany) or send them a "cease and desist" (Austria).
Here the decision of the German Court in Munich from the 20. January 2022 (Az.: 3 O 17493/20)This service is offered as "personal service".
Reason for doing such is, each webshop is build in a different way, and we want to be sure that our work is done 100% correct.
The working steps in detail:
- Scan of the whole webshop
- Embedd the former fonts as locale
- Serveral test after successful work
After the work is done, we will guarantee that the fonts are called correct. This guarantee is valid as long as no further modifications are done after our work.
The guarantee is not valid anymore the moment addionational modules are installed and as a possibel scenario again external fonts are called. In such cases an additional service for a special sprice can be booked.
Per 28th November 2022 end the support of php (secutity patches) for 7.4.x (7.4.23). Active support has already on the 21st November 2021.
Support (security) for php 7.3 ended already on the 6th December 2021, 7.2 on 30th November 2020, etc. - active support 1 year before.
What does that mean for you as webshop owner with OpenCart as base?
Your webshop is a potential security risk.
What can I do?
As soon as possible switch over to php 8.1.x (because for php 8.0.x active support ends on the 26th November 2022, secutity on the 26th November 2023).
With php 8.1.x support is guaranteed until 25th November 2023 (security until 25th November 2024).
[Source: php End of Life]
This package is offered is a "personal service" (valid for OpenCart only because this is the last stable 2.x version).
Reason for that is, each webshop is build different and we want to make sure that after the work your webshop is runing as offered.
The steps:
- Scan of the whole webshop
- Adoption of the basis
- Extended tests after migration
Depending on the choosen amount of additional modules, they will be also adopted.
Note: templates (except the default) are not covered by this package. If you use a custom template, please ask before for an offer - because the template has to be also migrated an many cases.
Since the 28th November 2022 support of php (secutity patches) for 7.4.x (7.4.23) ended. Active support has already stopped on the 21st November 2021.
Support (security) for php 7.3 ended already on the 6th December 2021, 7.2 on 30th November 2020, etc. - active support 1 year before.
What does that mean for you as webshop owner with OpenCart as base?
Your webshop is a potential security risk.
What can I do?
As soon as possible switch over to php 8.1.x (because for php 8.0.x active support ends on the 26th November 2022, secutity on the 26th November 2023).
With php 8.1.x support is guaranteed until 25th November 2023 (security until 25th November 2024).
[Source: php End of Life]
This package is offered is a "personal service" and will be realized with the latest, stable 3.x version of OpenCart.
Reason for that is, each webshop is different and we want to make sure, that after the work your webshop is runing as offered.
The steps:
- Scan of the whole webshop
- Adoption of base scripts (all scripts delivered with a standard installation)
- Extended tests after migration
Depending on the choosen amount of additional modules, they will be also adopted.
Note: templates (except the default) are not covered by this package. If you use a custom template, please ask before for an offer - because the template has to be also migrated in many cases.
We recommend to use php 8.2.x - after the update the shop is ready for php 8.2.x
Combination of several payment methods: PayPal Plus
With PayPal Plus customers can choose between:
- PayPal
- Creditcard
- Debit (1)
- Buy on Account (1) (2)
- Custom Payment Methods [max. 10] (3)
(1) Payment methods available only for customers from Germany (payment address), customers from all other countries will see only PayPal and Creditcard payment options.
(2) After check through PayPal
(3) Custom payment methods are those normally displayed as stand-alone payment. Add up to 10 of them into PayPal-Plus to display customers a smooth checkout.
Currently available only for Shops with business address in Germany.
More infos at PayPal-Plus
Several settings:
- Test- or Livemode
- Developermode
- Orderstatus successful
- Minimum amount basket
- Geozones
- Design (at PayPal) - up to 20
- Custom payments Methods (max. 10)
Extensive reports, statistics and transaction details available.
Highlights:- define up to 10 custom payment methods beside the standard PayPal methods (e.g. Banktransfer, Cash, COD, etc.)
- Fully compatible with 1-page-checkout modules
- Chooseable display of hint (select a payment method)
- Chooseable position of payment methods: either at payment selection or confirm page
- Several defineable text per installed language
- Images für custom defined payments per language
Note: this extension is for all OpenCart versions from 3.0.5.x which use de-de as German Language.
If de-DE is in usage (until OpenCart 3.0.4.x), then PayPal Plus 3.0.x
In many countries (especially in the EC) you are allowed to sell some products (e.g. Alcohol, Cigarettes, etc.) to adults or defined agegroups only.
This module add a service to verify the age of your customers / visitors. See also Protection of Minors
This will be done based on either an ID-Card or Passport from every country worldwide.
- Agerverification for all German customers by ID-Cart (old and new) or Passport
- Agerverification for all other countries worldwide by ID-Cart or Passport
- Limit to Custonergroup(s) [optional]
- Limit to Geozone(s) [optional]
- All settings can be combined
- Custom URL if verification fails
- Custom texts for all steps
- Settings per store (Multistore)
- Display per Layout (also multiple)
- All verfications are stored and searchable
- Combined with customer data (if logged in)
- Check for all products or only defined (optional in combination with catgeories)
- Check of all categories or only defined (optional in combination with products)
- Verification of guests and logged in customes
- Storage of all verification in cookie (optional for guests)
- NEW: after purchase a testperiod of 7 days is automatically granted
Extension requires API-Points, per request 3 Points are charged.
If the account has no points anymore, no check is made.
After successful ordering and payment, the API-Key will be send in an seperate email.
The API-Key is valid for the defined URL and only valid for this URL during the order process.
Beside the purchase of individual API-Points (purchase when you need it), no additional running fees are required. No installation fee (optional installation).
Modifications are done via events, the installation is done automatically during the first call of the extension.
This simple and free extension enhance the standard display of dates (usually only year month and day) in the backend with the exact time of creation.
Shopupdate 3.x Complete
Model: serv-3103
Update of OpenCart Webshop version 3.x to latest 3.x stable version (php 8.x compatible)
Inclusive custom extensions (max. 5).
Inclusive custom template (has to be provided, or we buy it).
After the order is made, we will contact you per email or telephone to discuss further details.
Shopupdate 3.x Extended
Model: serv-3102
Update of OpenCart Webshop version 3.x to latest stable 3.x version (php 8.x compatible)
Inclusive custom extensions (max. 5), exclusive custom template.
After the order is made, we will contact you either per email or telephone to discuss further details.
Since the 28th November 2022 support of php (secutity patches) for 7.4.x (7.4.23) ended. Active support has already stopped on the 21st November 2021.
Support (security) for php 7.3 ended already on the 6th December 2021, 7.2 on 30th November 2020, etc. - active support 1 year before.
What does that mean for you as webshop owner with OpenCart as base?
Your webshop is a potential security risk.
What can I do?
As soon as possible switch over to php 8.1.x (because for php 8.0.x active support ends on the 26th November 2022, secutity on the 26th November 2023).
With php 8.1.x support is guaranteed until 25th November 2023 (security until 25th November 2024).
[Source: php End of Life]
This package is offered is a "personal service" and will be realized with the latest, stable 3.x version of OpenCart.
Reason for that is, each webshop is different and we want to make sure, that after the work your webshop is runing as offered.
The steps:
- Scan of the whole webshop
- Adoption of base scripts (all scripts delivered with a standard installation)
- Extended tests after migration
Depending on the choosen amount of additional modules, they will be also adopted.
Note: templates (except the default) are not covered by this package. If you use a custom template, please ask before for an offer - because the template has to be also migrated in many cases.
We recommend to use php 8.2.x - after the update the shop is ready for php 8.2.x
Per 28th November 2022 end the support of php (secutity patches) for 7.4.x (7.4.23). Active support has already on the 21st November 2021.
Support (security) for php 7.3 ended already on the 6th December 2021, 7.2 on 30th November 2020, etc. - active support 1 year before.
What does that mean for you as webshop owner with OpenCart as base?
Your webshop is a potential security risk.
What can I do?
As soon as possible switch over to php 8.1.x (because for php 8.0.x active support ends on the 26th November 2022, secutity on the 26th November 2023).
With php 8.1.x support is guaranteed until 25th November 2023 (security until 25th November 2024).
[Source: php End of Life]
This package is offered is a "personal service" (valid for OpenCart only because this is the last stable 2.x version).
Reason for that is, each webshop is build different and we want to make sure that after the work your webshop is runing as offered.
The steps:
- Scan of the whole webshop
- Adoption of the basis
- Extended tests after migration
Depending on the choosen amount of additional modules, they will be also adopted.
Note: templates (except the default) are not covered by this package. If you use a custom template, please ask before for an offer - because the template has to be also migrated an many cases.
With the default installation of OpenCart, the sales report purchased products is very limited.
This extension replace this standard report with several options, like::
- Filter after date (from - until)
- Filter after status
- Filter after product
- Sort A-Z or Z-A
- Amount of displayed elements
Further extended figures per product
- Price (current, mininum, maximum)
- Net Price
- Average Sales Price Net
- Taxes
- Total Gross
can be displayed.
Additionally the report can be exported as CSV.
With the default installation of OpenCart, the sales report purchased products is very limited.
This extension replace this standard report with several options, like::
- Filter after date (from - until)
- Filter after status
- Filter after product
- Sort A-Z or Z-A
- Amount of displayed elements
Further extended figures per product
- Price (current, mininum, maximum)
- Net Price
- Average Sales Price Net
- Taxes
- Total Gross
can be displayed.
Additionally the report can be exported as CSV.
Complete German Translation for admin (backend) and visitor/customer (frontend / shop).
Translation of all files into German, incl. missing images (e.g. Klarna payment), AS well as files to display the admin map in German, and date fields.
Note: order status, return status etc. are not affceted by this package, because these items are stored in the database and have to be edited manually.
If you need a translation of them also, add the extended installer package to your order.
CustomPayment is a payment module for shops based on OpenCart.
It enables the shopowner to define their own unlimited payment types (e.g. bank transfer incl. SEPA, check, etc.).
Note: not applicable if a payment gateway has to be used (e.g. PayPal, Skrill, sofort etc).
* Multi store
* Multi customer groups
* All installed and active languages are supported
* Defineable seperate title and text per active language
* HTML editor for text field
* Set per shipping method (or all)
* Set per geozone (or all)
* Minimum amount (based on net subtotal)
* Ordering
* Autoupdater
* SEPA-Mandats for private and business customers
This module will enable shops to assign bonus points automatically.
The points will be assigned at defined events.
* Possible events: registration, newsletter optin
* Define amount of points per event
Model: swp-004
Cash is a payment module and enables the shopowner to offer the payment by cash (e.g. for customer who wants to pay at the physical store directly).
* Full language support
* Defineable text per active language
* Selectable customer group(s)
* Defineable minimum amount to become valid (see fallback)
* HTML.tags in text (e.g. image) are allowed (will be displayed only, but not stored)
* Languages English and German included
Custom Shipping
Model: sws-001
Custom Shipping is mighty module to offer individual shipping methods based on several, custom rules.
While the standard shipping modules are almost not very user friendly - no or less configuration, no custom and defineable titles and texts, defining costs is only basic and limited to one (1) value only.
Here comes Custom Shipping - with it you are the only limit.
Use it to define every and each cost - for every possible shipping method like:
Post, DHL, UPS, Flight, Express and so on.
- Full language support
- Defineable for all (already) defined geozones
- Defineable title per active language [optional]
- Defineable text per active language [optional]
- Defineable infotext per active language [optional]
- Minimum value
- Assign to one/many/all customer groups
- Assign to one/many/all stores (multistore)
- Infinite shipping methods
- Unlimited rates
- Different methods for calculation: subtotal, weight, article count, volume
- Incremental or Decremental calculation
- Exclude ZIP codes
- Valid ONLY for ZIP codes
- Exclude IP-Addresses
Model: swt-001-2
Legal is a module for webshops based on OpenCart.
In all European countries it is a requirement to display several informations like prices are w./w.o. VAT, terms, final product summary, button solution, etc.
This module does this and much more.
It installs taxes, geozones and texts according to the European Laws.
Beside this, texts for prices can be easely defined and changed every time.
Legal needs for proper operating an installed VvQMod.
If VQMod is not already installed, the module will install the latest version automatically.
Legal is tested and fully working on these platforms:
- OpenCart 1.5.1.x until latest 2.2.x official published release.
- For OpenCart 2.3.x see seperate verion.
* Maintain
- texts automatically adding to all outgoing emails (in each active language)
- hint for prices
- text for prices
- state of plugin
- standard / special price
- final button text
* Install
- locale taxes
- locale taxclasses
- geozone(s)
- legal texts
* Update to new installed geozone(s)
- products
- shipping methods
* Supported countries:
- All EC-Countries
- Plus Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Turkey
* Change text emails to HTML
* Notification of admin at new registrations
* Download new or updated plugins
* Check for product attributes (required for summary)
* Edit CSS directly via admin interface
* Edit template directly via admin interface
* Product summary, support for:
- attributes
- metatag description
- 'lazy mode'
* Buttonsolution (product summary plus adoption of last button)
* Base Price
* Autom. switch net / gross prices
* Autom. check for valid UID (USt.ID, VAT-Nbr.) and storing results **
* Autom. collect of MOSS-relevant data and export as XML **
* Autom. update of tax rates to caclulate correct taxes and MOSS **
* Youth protection (especially for eBooks)
* Logging of all downloads (e.g. for PayPal)
* Withdrawal for digital products
* Download digital articles as guest
* Assign articles to specific customer groups
* Newsletter Double-Opt-In and confirmation per email
* Social Share Privacy
** Paid additonal services, API-Key required, see API-Points