You want to adjust your product prices, but displayed price (Gross) should be the same?
For a webshop with just a few products and shipping methods, this may be an easy task. But what if you have several hundred or thousand. And what about the time, all prices should be adjusted at midnight.
And this is what this extension is for: automatic this task. Simply define the tax(es), the time .. and the prices be adjusted automatically.All net prices will be adjusted, but gross prices will stay the same.
Admin enhanced product search
Product Code: swpr-016
Add advanced search to product list and product form in backend view.
Upper and lower letters can be used.
Search is done in: titel, text, tags, date, price and quantity.
Increase results also to max. 20 (standard = 5)
Search can be done in several ways:
1. as usual > admin = will search for all items containing admin
2. starting point > admin|20 = will search for all items containing admin, start with 20. record
3. 2. & limit > admin|20,5 = as 2. but return only 5 results
If you operate your store in http and change to https, you are not able to edit orders anymore.
This extesion fix this bug.
Installation via integrated installer through backend.
Increase activities and orders in backend view (Dashboard) to 15 (standard 5)
With the default installation of OpenCart, the sales report purchased products is very limited.
This extension replace this standard report with several options, like::
- Filter after date (from - until)
- Filter after status
- Filter after product
- Sort A-Z or Z-A
- Amount of displayed elements
Further extended figures per product
- Price (current, mininum, maximum)
- Net Price
- Average Sales Price Net
- Taxes
- Total Gross
can be displayed.
Additionally the report can be exported as CSV.