  • Your shopping cart is empty!



Check Stock

Check Stock

Brand: OpenCart360

Product Code: swt-022

12.00 € *

The problem with OpenCart is, that during the checkout no check for stock is made.

Therefore it can happen, that a customer orders some pieces from a product on stock.
Afterards he goes to the checkout.

In the meantime another customer oders the same product, but the stock is now empty or low.

Both customers will see that fact only at the checkout process when they want to buy.

This extension checks every time a product is ordered if enough on stock - and adjusts automatically the basket.

Check Stock
The problem with OpenCart is, that during the checkout no check for stock is made.Therefore it can h..
12.00 € *
Checkout Value w. Tax

Checkout Value w. Tax

Product Code: swpr-020

8.40 € * 12.00 € *

Per default the checkout display values without tax.

This may confuse sometimes customer. This module will display these values with tax.

Simpliest installation via integrated installer.

Part of the extension LEGAL

Checkout Value w. Tax
Per default the checkout display values without tax.This may confuse sometimes customer. This module..
8.40 € * 12.00 € *
Checkout Value w. Tax 2.3

Checkout Value w. Tax 2.3

Product Code: swpr-020-23

12.00 € *

Per default the checkout display values without tax.

This may confuse sometimes customer. This module will display these values with tax.

Simpliest installation via integrated installer.

Part of the extension LEGAL

Checkout Value w. Tax 2.3
Per default the checkout display values without tax.This may confuse sometimes customer. This module..
12.00 € *

Available Options

Custom Payments

Custom Payments

Product Code: swp-002

48.00 € *

CustomPayment is a payment module for shops based on OpenCart.

It enables the shopowner to define their own unlimited payment types (e.g. bank transfer incl. SEPA, check, etc.).
Note: not applicable if a payment gateway has to be used (e.g. PayPal, Skrill, sofort etc).

*    Multi store
*    Multi customer groups
*    All installed and active languages are supported
*    Defineable seperate title and text per active language
*    HTML editor for text field
*    Set per shipping method (or all)
*    Set per geozone (or all)
*    Minimum amount (based on net subtotal)
*    Ordering
*    Autoupdater

Custom Payments
CustomPayment is a payment module for shops based on OpenCart.It enables the shopowner to define the..
48.00 € *

Available Options

Custom Payments 23

Custom Payments 23

Brand: OSWorX

Product Code: swp-002-23

48.00 € *

CustomPayment is a payment module for shops based on OpenCart.

It enables the shopowner to define their own unlimited payment types (e.g. bank transfer incl. SEPA, check, etc.).
Note: not applicable if a payment gateway has to be used (e.g. PayPal, Skrill, sofort etc).

*    Multi store
*    Multi customer groups
*    All installed and active languages are supported
*    Defineable seperate title and text per active language
*    HTML editor for text field
*    Set per shipping method (or all)
*    Set per geozone (or all)
*    Minimum amount (based on net subtotal)
*    Ordering
*    Autoupdater
*    SEPA-Mandats for private and business customers

Custom Payments 23
CustomPayment is a payment module for shops based on OpenCart.It enables the shopowner to define the..
48.00 € *

Available Options

Custom Shipping

Custom Shipping

Product Code: sws-001

30.00 € * 48.00 € *

Custom Shipping is mighty module to offer individual shipping methods based on several, custom rules.

While the standard shipping modules are almost not very user friendly - no or less configuration, no custom and defineable titles and texts, defining costs is only basic and limited to one (1) value only.

Here comes Custom Shipping - with it you are the only limit.
Use it to define every and each cost - for every possible shipping method like:
Post, DHL, UPS, Flight, Express and so on.


  • Full language support
  • Defineable for all (already) defined geozones
  • Defineable title per active language [optional]
  • Defineable text per active language [optional]
  • Defineable infotext per active language [optional]
  • Minimum value
  • Assign to one/many/all customer groups
  • Assign to one/many/all stores (multistore)
  • Infinite shipping methods
  • Unlimited rates
  • Different methods for calculation: subtotal, weight, article count, volume
  • Incremental or Decremental calculation
  • Exclude ZIP codes
  • Valid ONLY for ZIP codes
  • Exclude IP-Addresses
Custom Shipping
Custom Shipping is mighty module to offer individual shipping methods based on several, custom rules..
30.00 € * 48.00 € *

Available Options

Custom Shipping OC 3.0.x

Custom Shipping OC 3.0.x

Brand: OSWorX

Product Code: sws-001-30

49.80 € *

Custom Shipping is mighty module to offer individual shipping methods based on several, custom rules.

While the standard shipping modules are almost not very user friendly - no or less configuration, no custom and defineable titles and texts, defining costs is only basic and limited to one (1) value only.

Here comes Custom Shipping - with it you are the only limit.
Use it to define every and each cost - for every possible shipping method like:
Post, DHL, UPS, Flight, Express and so on.


  • Full language support
  • Defineable for all (already) defined geozones
  • Defineable title per active language [optional]
  • Defineable text per active language [optional]
  • Defineable infotext per active language [optional]
  • Minimum value
  • Assign to one/many/all customer groups
  • Assign to one/many/all stores (multistore)
  • Infinite shipping methods
  • Unlimited rates
  • Different methods for calculation: subtotal, weight, article count, volume, distance
  • Incremental or Decremental calculation
  • Exclude ZIP codes
  • Valid ONLY for ZIP codes
  • Exclude IP-Addresses
  • Distance Calculation (w. Google API)
Custom Shipping OC 3.0.x
Custom Shipping is mighty module to offer individual shipping methods based on several, custom rules..
49.80 € *

Available Options

Custom Shipping v.2 OC 3.0.x

Custom Shipping v.2 OC 3.0.x

Brand: OSWorX

Product Code: sws-001-30-v2

57.00 € *

Custom Shipping is mighty module to offer individual shipping methods based on several, custom rules.

While the standard shipping modules are almost not very user friendly - no or less configuration, no custom and defineable titles and texts, defining costs is only basic and limited to one (1) value only.

Here comes Custom Shipping - with it you are the only limit.
Use it to define every and each cost - for every possible shipping method like:
Post, DHL, UPS, Flight, Express and so on.


  • Full language support
  • Defineable for all (already) defined geozones
  • Defineable title per active language [optional]
  • Defineable text per active language [optional]
  • Defineable infotext per active language [optional]
  • Minimum value
  • Assign to one/many/all customer groups
  • Assign to one/many/all stores (multistore)
  • Infinite shipping methods
  • Unlimited rates
  • Different methods for calculation: subtotal, weight, article count, volume
  • Incremental or Decremental calculation
  • Exclusive for defined products, categories, zip-codes, IP-addresses
  • Exclude defined products, categories, zip-codes, IP-addresses
Differences compared to Version 1.x

  • Custom box sizes
  • Calculation after box sizes
  • Distance
  • Calculation after distance
  • Custom pickup (e.g Click & Collect)
  • Delivery with own trucks/service
  • Selection of pickup stations
  • Selection of pickup/delivery time
  • Exclusive and exclude of products, categories, zip-codes, ip-addresses
Custom Shipping v.2 OC 3.0.x
Custom Shipping is mighty module to offer individual shipping methods based on several, custom rules..
57.00 € *

Available Options

Custom Shipping v.2.3.x

Custom Shipping v.2.3.x

Product Code: sws-001-23

49.80 € *

Custom Shipping is mighty module to offer individual shipping methods based on several, custom rules.

While the standard shipping modules are almost not very user friendly - no or less configuration, no custom and defineable titles and texts, defining costs is only basic and limited to one (1) value only.

Here comes Custom Shipping - with it you are the only limit.
Use it to define every and each cost - for every possible shipping method like:
Post, DHL, UPS, Flight, Express and so on.


  • Full language support
  • Defineable for all (already) defined geozones
  • Defineable title per active language [optional]
  • Defineable text per active language [optional]
  • Defineable infotext per active language [optional]
  • Minimum value
  • Assign to one/many/all customer groups
  • Assign to one/many/all stores (multistore)
  • Infinite shipping methods
  • Unlimited rates
  • Different methods for calculation: subtotal, weight, article count, volume
  • Incremental or Decremental calculation
  • Exclude ZIP codes
  • Valid ONLY for ZIP codes
  • Exclude IP-Addresses

Version 1.3.5

Custom Shipping v.2.3.x
Custom Shipping is mighty module to offer individual shipping methods based on several, custom rules..
49.80 € *

Available Options

Custom Shipping v.2.3.x

Custom Shipping v.2.3.x

Brand: OSWorX

Product Code: sws-001-23-v2

57.00 € *

Custom Shipping is mighty module to offer individual shipping methods based on several, custom rules.

While the standard shipping modules are almost not very user friendly - no or less configuration, no custom and defineable titles and texts, defining costs is only basic and limited to one (1) value only.

Here comes Custom Shipping - with it you are the only limit.
Use it to define every and each cost - for every possible shipping method like:
Post, DHL, UPS, Flight, Express and so on.


  • Full language support
  • Defineable for all (already) defined geozones
  • Defineable title per active language [optional]
  • Defineable text per active language [optional]
  • Defineable infotext per active language [optional]
  • Minimum value
  • Assign to one/many/all customer groups
  • Assign to one/many/all stores (multistore)
  • Infinite shipping methods
  • Unlimited rates
  • Different methods for calculation: subtotal, weight, article count, volume
  • Incremental or Decremental calculation
  • Exclusive for defined products, categories, zip-codes, IP-addresses only
  • Exclude defined products, categories, zip-codes, IP-addresses
Differences compared to Version 1.x

  • Custom box sizes
  • Calculation after box sizes
  • Distance
  • Calculation after distance
  • Custom pickup (e.g Click & Collect)
  • Delivery with own trucks/service
  • Selection of pickup stations
  • Selection of pickup/delivery time
  • Exclusive and excludes for products, categories, zip-codes, IP-addresses

Version 2.x

Custom Shipping v.2.3.x
Custom Shipping is mighty module to offer individual shipping methods based on several, custom rules..
57.00 € *

Available Options

Customer bought also .. (PRO)

Customer bought also .. (PRO)

Brand: OSWorX

Product Code: swpr-027-23

54.00 € *

Customer bough also is an OpenCart Extension to display related products automatically based on former orders.

Customer select a product and below are dispalyed related products other customers bought additonally. Automatically without any further settings.

You can define additionally to display products from the same category of no products can be found


  • Display products from same category (if prior no products were bought)
  • Random display (products are show random each time)
  • Text for header per installed language [optional]
  • 3 predefined templates (e.g.Carousel)
  • Image width and height
  • Display description (*)
  • Amount of characters description (*)
  • Amount if displayed products (*)
  • Width of module when template float is selected (*)
  • Display Link (Yes/No)
  • Display Price (*)
  • Display Net Price (*)
  • Dispay Buttons [Basket, Compare, Wishlist] (*)
  • Display Rating (*)

(*) = available in PRO-Version, in the FREE-Version this fields are displayed every time or cannot be defined

Inlcuded German and English Language translation

Customer bought also .. (PRO)
Customer bough also is an OpenCart Extension to display related products automatically based on form..
54.00 € *

Available Options



Product Code: swt-007

30.00 € *

This module will display a custom defined message, a so called 'Exitpopup' during the checkout process if the customer wants to leave the shop without ordering.

*    Display also on mobile devices
*    Custom Text for every active language
*    Custom Colors
*    Custom width, heigth, opacity, delay, borderradius
*    Custom colours text and background

This module will display a custom defined message, a so called 'Exitpopup' during the checkout proce..
30.00 € *

Available Options

facebook Store 23

facebook Store 23

Product Code: swt-018-23

15.00 € *

facebook Store enables shop owners to create a shop at facebook just with a few mouse clicks.

*    Optional elements in the header section like language, currency, search, etc
*    Optional elements per product like description (text or meta), price, reviews, add to cart button
*    Optional footer section, if enabled chooseable which elements to display: info, service, extra, etc.
*    Layout per CSS
*    Chooseable colors
*    Automatic selection of language at facebook based on user language
*    Chooseable modules (e.g. featured, bestseller, etc.) and slideshows, banners

facebook Store 23
facebook Store enables shop owners to create a shop at facebook just with a few mouse clicks.Feature..
15.00 € *

Available Options

Globale Attribute

Globale Attribute

Brand: OSWorX

Product Code: swpr-030-23

36.00 € *

Global Atribute is a very handy extension to assign product attributes to all products. Additionally you can define a text which can be displayed at each product or only product from defined categories.

Example: the legislation define, that the delivery time has to be displayed nearby the common attributes (product single view). But the shopowner is going on holiday for 2 weeks, therefore not be able to fullfill that timeframe. Normally you would have to edit all products and add this text.

With that extension this task is done within 2 minutes: simply define the text, eventuall define a timeframe when this text shall be displayed - and save.Die Erweiterung kommt als einfach zu installierendes Modul (über den bereits vorhandenen Installer), sowie deutscher und englischer Sprache.

Extension comes as installation package (by the integrated installer) and with German and English Language.
Globale Attribute
Global Atribute is a very handy extension to assign product attributes to all products. Additionally..
36.00 € *

Available Options

Google Adwords

Google Adwords

Product Code: swt-009

24.00 € *

Google Adwords is a small extension which add required code to your shop template to track conversations.
Simple installation with the embbeded installer (OpenCart 2.x) or manual as VQMod (OpenCart 1.5.x)

*   Dynamic or static data for submission
*   Sale figure with or without delivery cost
*   2 Types of code possible (sale and register)
*   Basic statistic inside extension, enhanced in the Google Adwords Account

Google Adwords
Google Adwords is a small extension which add required code to your shop template to track conversat..
24.00 € *
Showing 31 to 45 of 85 (6 Pages)

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