  • Your shopping cart is empty!



Available Options

Shipping Temporary Cost OC 3.0.x

Shipping Temporary Cost OC 3.0.x

Brand: OSWorX

Product Code: swc-002-30

18.00 € *

SHIPPING TEMPORARY COST is regular totals module.

Because of getting high punishments in Europe if a customer does NOT see any shipping costs in the basket BEFORE he has defined where to deliver, this module will display - until the customer state the delivery address - temporary shipping costs.
The moment the real address is given, this temporary fee will be replaced by the real shipping costs.

*    Define amount (subtotal)
*    Define taxclass
*    Limit to store(s) (multistore)
*    Limit to customergroup(s)
*    Display optionally fee as net or gross value
*    Own titel in all active languages (multilinguale)

Shipping Temporary Cost OC 3.0.x
SHIPPING TEMPORARY COST is regular totals module.Because of getting high punishments in Europe if a ..
18.00 € *

Available Options

Sitename in Browser

Sitename in Browser

Brand: OSWorX

Product Code: swpr-014

0.00 € *

This extension add the site title to the browser title.
Useful if you operate several OpenCart sites and want to see the name of the shop in the brower tab / title.

Sitename in Browser
This extension add the site title to the browser title.Useful if you operate several OpenCart sites ..
0.00 € *


Product Code: swt-021

0.00 € *

Heatmaps for OpenCart from Smartlook

Heatmaps are 'maps' which display how a visitor is moving around your website, which menu he clicked and so forth. They are used to optimize the Layout, the Menus, etc..

The maps should help to optimize the store.

Heatmaps for OpenCart from SmartlookHeatmaps are 'maps' which display how a visitor is moving around..
0.00 € *

Available Options

SmartSupp Live Chat

SmartSupp Live Chat

Product Code: swt-015

12.00 € *

SmartSupp Chat is a convinient way to add a highly configurable Chat to your shop.
This module will also record user actions as "heatmap".
It has several pricing options, base option is free.

*    Selectable position for required javascript code
*    Integration of Google Analytics
*    Store chats locale (additonally to Smartsupp)
*    Local defintion of many settings
*    Hide chat in selected pages
*    Disable recording of user interactions of defined pages (e.g. at checkout)
*    Design, Position

SmartSupp Live Chat
SmartSupp Chat is a convinient way to add a highly configurable Chat to your shop.This module will a..
12.00 € *

Available Options



Product Code: swp-0031

24.00 € *

Add Sofortüberweisung (Klarna) as payment option in your OpenCart shop.

Extension requires valid contract with sofort.com (Klarna) - if not already exist, can be initiated through the module.


*   Create automatically new projects
*   Multistore
*   Multilinguale
*   Dedicated testmode
*   Enhanced internal reports
*   Support of all by sofort.com offered currencies
*   Texts defineable per active language
*   Inclusive German and English language files

For MijoShop please read manual or enclosed readme

Add Sofortüberweisung (Klarna) as payment option in your OpenCart shop.Extension requires valid cont..
24.00 € *

Available Options



Product Code: swp-003

18.00 € *

Add Sofortüberweisung (Klarna) as payment option in your OpenCart shop.

Extension requires valid contract with sofort.com (Klarna) - if not already exist, can be initiated through the module.


*   Create automatically new projects
*   Multistore
*   Multilinguale
*   Dedicated testmode
*   Enhanced internal reports
*   Support of all by sofort.com offered currencies
*   Texts defineable per active language
*   Inclusive German and English language files

For MijoShop please read manual or enclosed readme

Add Sofortüberweisung (Klarna) as payment option in your OpenCart shop.Extension requires valid cont..
18.00 € *

Available Options



Product Code: swpr-001

0.00 € *

Add Printbutton to all texts

Add Printbutton to all texts..
0.00 € *

Available Options



Product Code: swt-017

30.00 € *

Display the Trustedshops Badge and (optional) the Buyer Protection
More information about here: https://www.trustedshops.de/shopbetreiber/individuelles-angebot.html?a_aid=4f9822c98dcd9&a_bid=c20afccd

*    Enable / Disable per store (= multistore)
*    Enable / Disable Buyer Protection per store
*    Limit to Customergroup(s) only
*    Limit to Geozone(s) only
*    Limit to View(s) only
*    All Limits can be combined together
*    Adjustable delay (bagde)
*    Adjustable position (badge)
*    All settings per store (multistore)
*    Custom position (optional)
*    Locale recording of clicks

Display the Trustedshops Badge and (optional) the Buyer ProtectionMore information about here: https..
30.00 € *

Available Options

TrustedShops 23

TrustedShops 23

Product Code: swt-017-23

36.00 € *

Display the Badge (and optional buyer protection) as well as reviews and stars of Trustedshops.
More information about at TrustedShops


  • Settings per Store (= Multistore)
  • Activation of buyer protection
  • Limitation to customer group(s)
  • Limitation to gezone(s)
  • Display badge at defined views (Layouts)
  • Combination of all settings possible
  • Defineable delay of badge
  • Store clicks on badge locale (= Reports)
  • Display exiting reviews
  • Display review stars (additional/or)
  • Submit product data for reviews
  • Defineable estimated shipping date (required by Google)
  • Defineable positions and opacity of badge
  • Custom test for tab (= Reviews) and Header (incl. HTML-Tags)
  • Defineable colours for border, font, stars, and more ..
  • Definebale size of stars
  • Additional custom CSS
  • Optional scroll to reviews at click on product rating (incl. automatic opening of reviews)
  • Testmode (selectable test-IDs)
  • Developermode
  • Support for all languages offered by Trustedshops

Note: if the Certification at TrustedShops is made through us, this module is integrated and is free of charge.

TrustedShops 23
Display the Badge (and optional buyer protection) as well as reviews and stars of Trustedshops.More ..
36.00 € *

Available Options



Product Code: swt-020

8.40 € *

Display the official WhatsApp Icon at the bottom left corner.
Click on it will send the current shop-URL.
Note: icon will be only displayed on devices < 961 pixel (e.g. Smartphones & Tablets)

Display the official WhatsApp Icon at the bottom left corner.Click on it will send the current shop-..
8.40 € *
Showing 76 to 85 of 85 (6 Pages)

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