Checkout Value w. Tax 2.3
- Product Code: swpr-020-23
- Reward Points: 7
Per default the checkout display values without tax.
This may confuse sometimes customer. This module will display these values with tax.
Simpliest installation via integrated installer.
Part of the extension LEGAL
Compatibility | |
OpenCart | 2.3.x |
Modificationtype | |
OCMod | Yes |
Related Products
Product Code: swt-001-23
Legal is a module for webshops based on OpenCart.
In all European countries it is a requirement to display several informations like prices are w./w.o. VAT, terms, final product summary, button solution, etc.
This module does this and much more.
It install taxes, geozones and texts according European Laws/Regulations.
Beside this, texts for prices can be easely defined and changed every time.
Legal needs for proper operating an installed VQMod.
If VQMod is not already installed, the module will install the latest version automatically.
Legal is tested and fully working on these platforms:
- OpenCart 2.3.x until latest
Features (some)
* Maintain
- texts for automatically adding to all outgoing emails
- hint for prices
- text for prices
- state of plugin
- standard / special price
- final button text
* Install
- locale taxes (all EC-Countries)
- locale taxclasses (aöö EC-Countries)
- geozone(s)
- legal texts (samples, have to be adopted according your requirements)
* Update to new installed geozone(s)
- products
- shipping methods
* Supported countries:
- All EC-Countries
- Plus Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Turkey
* Change text emails to HTML
* Notification of admin at new registrations
* Download new or updated plugins
* Check for product attributes (required for summary)
* Edit CSS directly via admin interface
* Edit template directly via admin interface
* Product summary, support for:
- attributes
- metatag description
- 'lazy mode'
* Buttonsolution (product summary plus adoption of last button)
* Base Price
* Autom. switch net / gross prices
* Autom. check for valid UID (USt.ID, VAT-Nbr.) and storing results **
* Autom. collect of MOSS-relevant data and export as XML **
* Autom. update of tax rates to caclulate correct taxes and MOSS **
* Youth Protection (especially for eBooks)
* Logging of all downloads (e.g. for PayPal)
* Withdrawal for digital products
* Download digital articles as guest
* Assign articles to specific customer groups
* Newsletter Double-Opt-In and confirmation per email
* Social Share Privacy
* Edit products per net- or grossprice
* Autom. update prics in productview
* Fixed rounding bug
* Autom. add admin IP
* Cookie Consent
* Support for One-Page-Checkouts
* Support for template Journal2
* Admin Dashboard Widget for latest Legal headlines (since v.5.5.0)
* Approved legal texts in cooperation with it-law (requires seperate contract)
** Paid additional services, API-Key required, see API-Points
TrustedShops 23
Product Code: swt-017-23
Display the Badge (and optional buyer protection) as well as reviews and stars of Trustedshops.
More information about at TrustedShops
- Settings per Store (= Multistore)
- Activation of buyer protection
- Limitation to customer group(s)
- Limitation to gezone(s)
- Display badge at defined views (Layouts)
- Combination of all settings possible
- Defineable delay of badge
- Store clicks on badge locale (= Reports)
- Display exiting reviews
- Display review stars (additional/or)
- Submit product data for reviews
- Defineable estimated shipping date (required by Google)
- Defineable positions and opacity of badge
- Custom test for tab (= Reviews) and Header (incl. HTML-Tags)
- Defineable colours for border, font, stars, and more ..
- Definebale size of stars
- Additional custom CSS
- Optional scroll to reviews at click on product rating (incl. automatic opening of reviews)
- Testmode (selectable test-IDs)
- Developermode
- Support for all languages offered by Trustedshops
Note: if the Certification at TrustedShops is made through us, this module is integrated and is free of charge.
Custom Shipping v.2.3.x
Product Code: sws-001-23
Custom Shipping is mighty module to offer individual shipping methods based on several, custom rules.
While the standard shipping modules are almost not very user friendly - no or less configuration, no custom and defineable titles and texts, defining costs is only basic and limited to one (1) value only.
Here comes Custom Shipping - with it you are the only limit.
Use it to define every and each cost - for every possible shipping method like:
Post, DHL, UPS, Flight, Express and so on.
- Full language support
- Defineable for all (already) defined geozones
- Defineable title per active language [optional]
- Defineable text per active language [optional]
- Defineable infotext per active language [optional]
- Minimum value
- Assign to one/many/all customer groups
- Assign to one/many/all stores (multistore)
- Infinite shipping methods
- Unlimited rates
- Different methods for calculation: subtotal, weight, article count, volume
- Incremental or Decremental calculation
- Exclude ZIP codes
- Valid ONLY for ZIP codes
- Exclude IP-Addresses
Version 1.3.5
Payment Charge 23
Product Code: swc-001-23
PAYMENT CHARGE let you define your own, infinite payment fees for all enabled payment types.
Note: if you sell to customers inside the EC, payment cost shall not be charged! Use this module only if you sell ouside the European Community.
* Net / gross mode
* Defineable text (for each active language) - also with HTML
* Display tax at frontend w. or w.o. tax
* Customergroups
* Multistore
* Calculation optional after amount or percent
* Calculate fee after subtotal (less, equal, more)
Note: you have to offer at least 1 payment method for free!
Shipping Temporary Cost 23
Product Code: swc-002-23
SHIPPING TEMPORARY COST is regular totals module.
Because of getting high punishments in Europe if a customer does NOT see any shipping costs in the basket BEFORE he has defined where to deliver, this module will display - until the customer state the delivery address - temporary shipping costs.
The moment the real address is given, this temporary fee will be replaced by the real shipping costs.
* Define amount (subtotal)
* Define taxclass
* Limit to store(s) (multistore)
* Limit to customergroup(s)
* Display optionally fee as net or gross value
* Own titel in all active languages (multilinguale)
PayPal Plus OpenCart 2.3.x
Product Code: swp-005
Combination of several payment methods: PayPal Plus
With PayPal Plus German customers can choose between:
- PayPal
- Creditcard
- Debit (1)
- Buy on Account (1) (2)
(1) Payment methods available only for customers from Germany (payment address), customers from all other countries will see only PayPal and Creditcard payment options.
(2) After check through PayPal
Currently available only for Shops with business address in Germany.More infos at PayPal-Plus
Several settings:
- Test- or Livemode
- Developermode
- Orderstatus successful
- Minimum amount basket
- Geozones
- Design (at PayPal) - up to 20
Extensive reports, statistics and transaction details available.
Highlights:- define up to 10 custom payment methods beside the standard PayPal methods (e.g. Banktransfer, Cash, COD, etc.)
- Fully compatible with 1-page-checkout modules
- Chooseable display of hint (select a payment method)
- Chooseable position of payment methods: either at payment selection or confirm page
- Several defineable text per installed language
- Images für custom defined payments per language
Instalment Powered by PayPal
Offer your customers this new financing option.
Instalment Powered by PayPal give Shopowner (1) operating the webshop with OpenCart the oportunity, to offer the customers an instalment. A simple to use selection of the preferred rating plan and your customer (2) know instantly after verification by PayPal if he is able to pay with instalment (3).
This extension consists several componts:
- Payment Method Instalment Powered by PayPal
- Total Module Fee (4)
- Total Modul Total (4)
- Information Text (4)
With the installation all mentioned components are installed automatically. After successful definition of the settings, the module can be operated within 2 Minutes.
(1) Payment Method currently availabe for business address Germany only
(2) Payment Method currently available for customers from Germany (Payment Address) only
(3) After successful verification through PayPal
(4) Mandatory by Law (see Right of Information and Buttonlösung)
To offer this payment method, you have to contact PayPal kontaktiert. After successful verification and creation of required API-Keys, the modul is ready to be configured.
In the module are integrated folloing views:- Product Single View
- Basket
These views are optional (by settings) and display that this product / article and / or this basket can by paid by an instalment.
Note: if you use a custom template, it could be that they have to be adopted (possible also by OSWorX).
Included are comprehensive help texts.
This module is 100% compatible with the checkout module of LEGAL
OpenGraph Metatags for OpenCart
Add proper OpenGraph metatags to the header section of the template.
Metatags are build for:
- shop mainpage
- all product pages
- all category pages
- all text pages (informations)
- manufacturer
Support for following metatags:
- type
- site_name
- locale
- title
- image
- image:width
- image:height
- image:type
- description
- url
Additonal for products:
- price:amount
- price:currency
Has a product additonal images, are these also added.
Note: image properties are build 'on-the-fly' and are the result of the true image properties.
With Send Order Copy PRO the original order email can be send again to the customer.
Sometimes the receiver claims, having not received the order email. Or the bookkeeping house shall get a copy, or other receivers.
Difference between the FREE and PRO Version:
- send only to customer
- add additional receivers
- either send to customer and/or additional receiver(s)
- add comment
- settings for often used default values (e.g. additional receivers, comment)
- display message when extension is disabled or user has no permission to use
German & English language included per default.