Replace standard single map with several selectable.
Inclusive German localized maps (loaded only when German is standard language).
In each map sales data per country / district is displayed.
Compatibility | |
OpenCart | 2.x (max. 2.2.x) |
Modificationtype | |
OCMod | Yes |
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Admin enhanced product search
Product Code: swpr-016
Add advanced search to product list and product form in backend view.
Upper and lower letters can be used.
Search is done in: titel, text, tags, date, price and quantity.
Increase results also to max. 20 (standard = 5)
Search can be done in several ways:
1. as usual > admin = will search for all items containing admin
2. starting point > admin|20 = will search for all items containing admin, start with 20. record
3. 2. & limit > admin|20,5 = as 2. but return only 5 results
Admin Summernote Editor Advanced
Product Code: swpr-019
Replace the standard Summernote Editor with an advanced version.
* Full multilingual
* Automatic check for valid filenames and folders
* Advanced filelinks (add PDF and / or Texts as links to articles)
* Advanced links to products, categories and information text
* Upload PDF files
* Correct sanitization of folder- and filenames
* Codemirror for source code view
* Use selected text as linktext (if selected)
* Define links optionally with
- open in new window (target _blank)
- open in modal view (only text links)
- display as icon (text and file links)
- display as icon or thumbnail (product and category links)
- when displayed as icon or thmubnail, define image size (16 - 128px)
* Use config values for allowed extensions and mime types
* Case insensitive search for items (also parts)