- Product Code: swt-007
- Reward Points: 27
This module will display a custom defined message, a so called 'Exitpopup' during the checkout process if the customer wants to leave the shop without ordering.
* Display also on mobile devices
* Custom Text for every active language
* Custom Colors
* Custom width, heigth, opacity, delay, borderradius
* Custom colours text and background
Compatibility | |
OpenCart | 2.3.x |
Modificationtype | |
OCMod | Yes |
Related Products
Product Code: swt-004
Display banner advertisements on defined pages - even multiple.
* Define limit (how many times the ad shall be displayed) [optional]
* Define timeframe to display ad between [optional]
* Select client
* Define link to click on (internal or external)
* Defineable title (= alt/title tag)
* Clicks and displays stored (visible in the module itself)
Generates automatically invoice, invoicenumber and PDF.
PDF can be send automatically per email to customer and additional addresses.
- Send invoice (PDF) per email to customer [optional
- Send invoice (PDF) per email to additional addresses (e.g. bookkeeping department)
- Select which order state shall trigger the invoice generation
- Select which customergroup(s) shall trigger the invoice generation
- Define infinite templates and select which to use
- Customizeable templates: CSS, header, body, footer
- Define per active language email templates
- Several placeholders (template and invoice) for dynamic content
- Include custom fields for company name and TAX-No
- Define invoice language (can override customers language during checkout)
- Define formats per store for customer number and invoice number - even for guests [optional]
- Define format for invoice address
- Several PDF settings to define: Size, Orientation, Fonttype, Fontsize, Fontcolor, Backgroundcolor
- CSS format can be defined global and/or inline
- PDF are stored in database and can be loaded at any time from several places
- Stored PDF can be send again to customer and/or other addresses
- Search in all stored invoices after custom terms
- Log extensions states [optional]
- Enable/disable for customes to load PDF and send per email (if logged in)
- Add entry to activity log (if enabled)
- Every .ttf and .otf font can be used
Call of extension from external programs via API possible
Product Code: swp-0031
Add Sofortüberweisung (Klarna) as payment option in your OpenCart shop.
Extension requires valid contract with sofort.com (Klarna) - if not already exist, can be initiated through the module.
* Create automatically new projects
* Multistore
* Multilinguale
* Dedicated testmode
* Enhanced internal reports
* Support of all by sofort.com offered currencies
* Texts defineable per active language
* Inclusive German and English language files
For MijoShop please read manual or enclosed readme
Google Adwords
Product Code: swt-009
Google Adwords is a small extension which add required code to your shop template to track conversations.
Simple installation with the embbeded installer (OpenCart 2.x) or manual as VQMod (OpenCart 1.5.x)
* Dynamic or static data for submission
* Sale figure with or without delivery cost
* 2 Types of code possible (sale and register)
* Basic statistic inside extension, enhanced in the Google Adwords Account
ID-Card Check
Product Code: swt-010
In many countries (especially in the EC) you are allowed to sell some products (e.g. Alcohol, Cigarettes, etc.) to adults or defined agegroups only.
This module add a service to verify the age of your customers / visitors. See also Protection of Minors
This will be done based on either an ID-Card or Passport from every country worldwide.
- Agerverification for all German customers by ID-Cart (old and new) or Passport
- Agerverification for all other countries worldwide by ID-Cart or Passport
- Limit to Custonergroup(s) [optional]
- Limit to Geozone(s) [optional]
- All settings can be combined
- Custom URL if verification fails
- Custom texts for all steps
- Settings per store (Multistore)
- Display per Layout (also multiple)
- All verfications are stored and searchable
- Combined with customer data (if logged in)
- Check for all products or only defined (optional in combination with catgeories)
- Check of all categories or only defined (optional in combination with products)
- Verification of guests and logged in customes
- Storage of all verification in cookie (optional for guests)
Extension requires API-Points, per request 3 Points are charged.
If the account has no points anymore, no checks are made.
After successful ordering and payment, the API-Key will be send seperate by email.
The API-Key is valid for the during the order process defined URL and only valid for this URL.
Simple module with several settings to display the manufacturer of the current displayed product
Let your visitors make preorders for products not in stock.
With this extension you can replace the standard basket button at the product single view with a function to preorder. Customer will recieve a copy of his preorder. Preorders can be checked via Cron to notify customers that their preordered products no available.
2 Modes:
- Change Buttontext only (customer can make his order as usual)
- Change function of Button (customer has to fill form for preorder)
- Defineable trigger for stock status
- Defineable trigger for button ID
- Defineable CSS for button
- Additional CSS for button
- Crontab/Cronjob URL
- Select which fields in preorder from are displayed
- Defineable texts for preorder form fields
- Defineable texts for button (incl. optional Icon)
- Enable / Disable comment in preorder form
- Defineable character limit (comment)
- Define if Captcha shall be used
- Selectable Admin Dashboard Module (requires bugfix module from OSWorX)
- Log all preorders
- Send answer to preorder from backend via email to customer
- Select which product details shall be shown in preorder form
- GDPR conform
- Compatible with LEGAL (see https://osworx.net)
Customer bough also is an OpenCart Extension to display related products automatically based on former orders.
You can define additionally to display products from the same category of no products can be found
- Display products from same category (if prior no products were bought)
- Random display (products are show random each time)
- Text for header per installed language [optional]
- 3 predefined templates (e.g.Carousel)
- Image width and height
- Display description (*)
- Amount of characters description (*)
- Amount if displayed products (*)
- Width of module when template float is selected (*)
- Display Link (Yes/No)
- Display Price (*)
- Display Net Price (*)
- Dispay Buttons [Basket, Compare, Wishlist] (*)
- Display Rating (*)
(*) = available in PRO-Version, in the FREE-Version this fields are displayed every time or cannot be defined
Inlcuded German and English Language translation