- Product Code: swt-019
- Reward Points: 37
Printlabel add the capabilities to your shop to print labels the easy way.
Printlabel will be added into several views automatically:
A. As Menu link (section sales)
B. Orderlist (overview of all orders)
C. Orderview (single order)
D. Productlist (overviews of all products)
* Barcodetyp [optional] selectable
- ean8, ean13, code128, QR-Code (datamatrix), UPS, MSI and more
* Quickprint
- Print per order(s) or product(s)
- Select order IDs or product IDs
* Define default (standard) settings
- Order(s) or Product(s)
- Fontsize
- Columns
- Margin labels
- Labelsize (heigth and width)
- Select which field to use for barcode
- Seperate selection which fields to print for order(s) and product(s)
- Field ordering
Compatibility | |
OpenCart | 2.x |
Modificationtype | |
OCMod | Yes |
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* Set per geozone (or all)
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Here comes Custom Shipping - with it you are the only limit.
Use it to define every and each cost - for every possible shipping method like:
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- Full language support
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- Minimum value
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- Infinite shipping methods
- Unlimited rates
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- Incremental or Decremental calculation
- Exclude ZIP codes
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Version 1.3.5
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This tiny module will correct these errors automatically.
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Increase results also to max. 20 (standard = 5)
Search can be done in several ways:
1. as usual > admin = will search for all items containing admin
2. starting point > admin|20 = will search for all items containing admin, start with 20. record
3. 2. & limit > admin|20,5 = as 2. but return only 5 results