- Product Code: swp-004
- Reward Points: 12
Cash is a payment module and enables the shopowner to offer the payment by cash (e.g. for customer who wants to pay at the physical store directly).
* Full language support
* Defineable text per active language
* Selectable customer group(s)
* Defineable minimum amount to become valid (see fallback)
* HTML.tags in text (e.g. image) are allowed (will be displayed only, but not stored)
* Languages English and German included
Compatibility | |
OpenCart | 1.4.x, 1.5.x, 2.x (max. 2.2.x) |
Modificationtype | |
OCMod | Yes (2.x) |
Related Products
Custom Payments
Product Code: swp-002
CustomPayment is a payment module for shops based on OpenCart.
It enables the shopowner to define their own unlimited payment types (e.g. bank transfer incl. SEPA, check, etc.).
Note: not applicable if a payment gateway has to be used (e.g. PayPal, Skrill, sofort etc).
* Multi store
* Multi customer groups
* All installed and active languages are supported
* Defineable seperate title and text per active language
* HTML editor for text field
* Set per shipping method (or all)
* Set per geozone (or all)
* Minimum amount (based on net subtotal)
* Ordering
* Autoupdater
Generates automatically invoice, invoicenumber and PDF.
PDF can be send automatically per email to customer and additional addresses.
- Send invoice (PDF) per email to customer [optional
- Send invoice (PDF) per email to additional addresses (e.g. bookkeeping department)
- Select which order state shall trigger the invoice generation
- Select which customergroup(s) shall trigger the invoice generation
- Define infinite templates and select which to use
- Customizeable templates: CSS, header, body, footer
- Define per active language email templates
- Several placeholders (template and invoice) for dynamic content
- Include custom fields for company name and TAX-No
- Define invoice language (can override customers language during checkout)
- Define formats per store for customer number and invoice number - even for guests [optional]
- Define format for invoice address
- Several PDF settings to define: Size, Orientation, Fonttype, Fontsize, Fontcolor, Backgroundcolor
- CSS format can be defined global and/or inline
- PDF are stored in database and can be loaded at any time from several places
- Stored PDF can be send again to customer and/or other addresses
- Search in all stored invoices after custom terms
- Log extensions states [optional]
- Enable/disable for customes to load PDF and send per email (if logged in)
- Add entry to activity log (if enabled)
- Every .ttf and .otf font can be used
Call of extension from external programs via API possible
With OpenCart it is only possible to offer recurring payments with additonal services (e.g. PayPal).
With this extension you can offer your customer to create a 'standing offer' with their native bank account. The moment a product has recurring payments defined, this payment will be displayed.
If you want to offer SEPA-Payments, please goto "Custom Payments". There you can create payments for private and business users as well.
PayPal Plus OpenCart 2.3.x
Product Code: swp-005
Combination of several payment methods: PayPal Plus
With PayPal Plus German customers can choose between:
- PayPal
- Creditcard
- Debit (1)
- Buy on Account (1) (2)
(1) Payment methods available only for customers from Germany (payment address), customers from all other countries will see only PayPal and Creditcard payment options.
(2) After check through PayPal
Currently available only for Shops with business address in Germany.More infos at PayPal-Plus
Several settings:
- Test- or Livemode
- Developermode
- Orderstatus successful
- Minimum amount basket
- Geozones
- Design (at PayPal) - up to 20
Extensive reports, statistics and transaction details available.
Highlights:- define up to 10 custom payment methods beside the standard PayPal methods (e.g. Banktransfer, Cash, COD, etc.)
- Fully compatible with 1-page-checkout modules
- Chooseable display of hint (select a payment method)
- Chooseable position of payment methods: either at payment selection or confirm page
- Several defineable text per installed language
- Images für custom defined payments per language
Instalment Powered by PayPal
Offer your customers this new financing option.
Instalment Powered by PayPal give Shopowner (1) operating the webshop with OpenCart the oportunity, to offer the customers an instalment. A simple to use selection of the preferred rating plan and your customer (2) know instantly after verification by PayPal if he is able to pay with instalment (3).
This extension consists several componts:
- Payment Method Instalment Powered by PayPal
- Total Module Fee (4)
- Total Modul Total (4)
- Information Text (4)
With the installation all mentioned components are installed automatically. After successful definition of the settings, the module can be operated within 2 Minutes.
(1) Payment Method currently availabe for business address Germany only
(2) Payment Method currently available for customers from Germany (Payment Address) only
(3) After successful verification through PayPal
(4) Mandatory by Law (see Right of Information and Buttonlösung)
To offer this payment method, you have to contact PayPal kontaktiert. After successful verification and creation of required API-Keys, the modul is ready to be configured.
In the module are integrated folloing views:- Product Single View
- Basket
These views are optional (by settings) and display that this product / article and / or this basket can by paid by an instalment.
Note: if you use a custom template, it could be that they have to be adopted (possible also by OSWorX).
Included are comprehensive help texts.
This module is 100% compatible with the checkout module of LEGAL
Instalment Powered by PayPal
Offer your customers this new financing option.
Instalment Powered by PayPal give Shopowner (1) operating the webshop with OpenCart the oportunity, to offer the customers an instalment. A simple to use selection of the preferred rating plan and your customer (2) know instantly after verification by PayPal if he is able to pay with instalment (3).
This extension consists several componts:
- Payment Method Instalment Powered by PayPal
- Total Module Fee (4)
- Total Modul Total (4)
- Information Text (4)
With the installation all mentioned components are installed automatically. After successful definition of the settings, the module can be operated within 2 Minutes.
(1) Payment Method currently availabe for business address Germany only
(2) Payment Method currently available for customers from Germany (Payment Address) only
(3) After successful verification through PayPal
(4) Mandatory by Law (see Right of Information and Buttonlösung)
To offer this payment method, you have to contact PayPal kontaktiert. After successful verification and creation of required API-Keys, the modul is ready to be configured.
In the module are integrated folloing views:- Product Single View
- Basket
These views are optional (by settings) and display that this product / article and / or this basket can by paid by an instalment.
Note: if you use a custom template, it could be that they have to be adopted (possible also by OSWorX).
Included are comprehensive help texts.
This module is 100% compatible with the checkout module of LEGAL
Instalment Powered by PayPal
Offer your customers this new financing option.
Instalment Powered by PayPal give Shopowner (1) operating the webshop with OpenCart the oportunity, to offer the customers an instalment. A simple to use selection of the preferred rating plan and your customer (2) know instantly after verification by PayPal if he is able to pay with instalment (3).
This extension consists several componts:
- Payment Method Instalment Powered by PayPal
- Total Module Fee (4)
- Total Modul Total (4)
- Information Text (4)
With the installation all mentioned components are installed automatically. After successful definition of the settings, the module can be operated within 2 Minutes.
(1) Payment Method currently availabe for business address Germany only
(2) Payment Method currently available for customers from Germany (Payment Address) only
(3) After successful verification through PayPal
(4) Mandatory by Law (see Right of Information and Buttonlösung)
To offer this payment method, you have to contact PayPal kontaktiert. After successful verification and creation of required API-Keys, the modul is ready to be configured.
In the module are integrated folloing views:- Product Single View
- Basket
These views are optional (by settings) and display that this product / article and / or this basket can by paid by an instalment.
Note: if you use a custom template, it could be that they have to be adopted (possible also by OSWorX).
Included are comprehensive help texts.
This module is 100% compatible with the checkout module of LEGAL